Organ Donation Promotion Charter

Organ Donation Promotion Charter
The Government has set up the Committee on Promotion of Organ Donation (“the Committee”) to further promote organ donation in April 2016 to co-ordinate and integrate the work by different government departments and organisations on organ donation, so as to amplify the promotional effect. The Committee is responsible for implementing the Organ Donation Promotion Campaign, which includes formulation of organ donation promotion strategy and direction, coordination and collaboration with other partners in conducting organ donation promotional activities and programmes and conducting public education.
In June 2016, the Organ Donation Promotion Campaign introduced the “Organ Donation Promotion Charter” and invited various organisations in the community to become partners and signatories of the charter, thus signifying their support towards the promotional activities on organ donation.
We understand and agree -
- To assist in public education to facilitate the public understanding of the significance and importance of organ donation.
- Organ donation must be voluntary and altruistic.
- To encourage the public to register their wish at the Centralised Organ Donation Register (CODR) of the Department of Health ( and share their wish with their family.
- To assist in continuous promotional work to inculcate a culture that honours organ donation.
To inculcate a culture that honours organ donation, we are committed to -
- Promoting organ donation to allow members / staff to understand and be receptive of the idea of organ donation;
- Encouraging members / staff to register at the CODR ( of the Department of Health;
- Encouraging members / staff to share their wish of donating organs as well as inviting their family members to support organ donation;
- Encouraging the public to express their wish for organ donation through different channels; and
- Participating in promotional activities or arrange programmes to promote organ donation.
Becoming a Signatory of the “Organ Donation Promotion Charter”
If your organisation is interested in becoming a Signatory of the “Organ Donation Promotion Charter”, please download and sign the
Organ Donation Promotion Charter form and submit to the Secretariat for the Committee on Promotion of Organ Donation via email, fax or post –
Email :
Fax : 2781 2599
Address : Unit A-D, 8/F, China Overseas Building, 139 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Organ Donation Promotion Charter
Sharing of organ donation promotional activities, photos and videos
All signatories of the Organ Donation Promotion Charter are welcome to submit to us information regarding their organ donation promotional activities and related photos and videos. They will be uploaded to the “Promotional Activities” page of this website and the “Organ Donation at HK” Facebook page for viewing by the public.
Signatories can download and complete the “Promotional activities on organ donation” and “Sharing of photos and videos of past events on organ donation promotion” forms and submit to us together with the corresponding photos and videos.
List of “Organ Donation Promotion Charter” Signatories
Organ Donation Promotional Activities
Charter Launching Ceremony
Support from the Community
Be an Organisation Supporter on Organ Donation
You are cordially invited to be an organisation supporter to promote organ donation to the public with us. We believe that public's willingness to become registrants of organ donation can be enhanced by your enthusiastic participation.
If your organisation is interested to join in, please complete the downloadable 'Reply Slip for Supporting Organ Donation Publicity Campaign' and send to Health Promotion Branch of the Department of Health by fax for our follow up action.
Organisation Supporter List on Organ Donation
Toolkit for Promoting Organ Donation