Appeal Message from the Director of Health

Appeal Message from the Director of Health

The Centralised Organ Donation Register ("CODR") is a computerised system managed by the Department of Health. It enables Organ Donation Coordinators of the Hospital Authority to ascertain, upon patients' death, their previously expressed wish to donate organs, so that they may approach the patients' families as soon as possible to seek their consent for donation of the deceased's organs to save patients in need of organ transplant.

Although the number of people signing up as prospective organ donors has been increasing ever since the CODR was launched by the Department of Health in November 2008, many patients are still waiting for organ transplant. It is regretful that many patients would die before the right organ match comes. As such, we appeal to all members of the public to register in the CODR. As most people, upon learning of their family members' wish to donate organs after death, are willing to honour such wish, it is also very important to inform your family members of you wish.

We hope that more people will understand the importance of voluntary organ donation, respond to our appeal, sign up in the CODR and inform their family members about their wish. This not only gives hope to patients on the organ transplant waiting lists, but also shows our care and concern for fellow members of the society.

Dr Ronald Lam Man-kin, JP

Director of Health